Singleton Bypass - New England Highway


Project overview

Transport for NSW is planning for a future New England Highway - Singleton Bypass to improve traffic flow, travel times and safety through Singleton town centre by reduced traffic including heavy freight.

The Australian Government has committed $560 million and the NSW Government $140 million to build the Singleton Bypass.

The eight kilometre project will bypass five sets of traffic lights in the CBD and is the largest road infrastructure investment in Singleton's history.

Latest news

Mar 2024 – Contractor’s early work

ACCIONA has started its early work activities on the Singleton Bypass. Early work activities include additional site survey, geotechnical and utility investigations, and installing temporary exclusion fencing and erosion and sediment controls. These activities are required to inform the detailed design for the project.

Early work will be carried out along the New England Highway between Haggartys Lane and White Falls Lane to the south of Singleton and Maison Dieu Road and Rixs Creek Lane to the north of Singleton.

Work will also be carried out along the proposed project alignment to the west of the New England Highway and Singleton.

Work will be carried out from Monday 11 March to June 2024, weather permitting. We will be working Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and on Saturday between 8am and 1pm.

Please view the latest project update (PDF, 601.4 KB)

Feb 2024 – Singleton Bypass batting for microbats

A colony of microbats near the Singleton Bypass site won’t have to find a new ‘fur-ever’ home following the implementation of protective measures as part of the project’s Microbat Management Plan.

The purpose of the Microbat Management Plan is to avoid indirect impacts on the species. By implementing measures like not disturbing the culverts that provide homes for the microbats, these creatures won’t need to relocate during construction.

The preservation of threatened species, such as these microbats, is an important part of any Transport for NSW project.

Access the 27 February media release.

Pre-clearance Survey - Ecologist inspecting culvert for presence of microbats

Nov 2023 – Award of major contract

We are pleased to announce that Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd has been awarded a design and construction contract to deliver the Singleton Bypass.

Acciona will progress site investigations and finalise the detailed design in preparation for the start of major work in mid-2024. The project is expected to open to traffic in late 2026, weather permitting.

We will keep the community informed as the project progresses. 

Learn more about Acciona.

May 2023 - Early work

Transport for NSW started early work on the project in late 2022.

Early work activities include:

  • installing fencing along the corridor
  • demolition of existing buildings
  • relocation of power and communication public utilities
  • additional geotechnical investigations
  • additional ground survey.

Early work is being carried out Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and on Saturday between 8am and 1pm.

Please view the latest project update (PDF, 593.77 KB)

Interactive portal

To learn more about this project, view our interactive portal for more information.

Project information


The New England Highway is part of the inland Sydney to Brisbane National Land Transport Network and the primary route connecting the Upper Hunter with Maitland and Newcastle.

The highway passes through the centre of Singleton and carries around 26,000 vehicles, including more than 3700 heavy vehicles, each day.

Traffic volumes are predicted to increase in the next 25 years. The planned bypass of Singleton would improve the movement of freight and journeys for current and future traffic demands.

A preferred option for the bypass was announced in 2016 and involves building a new section of highway west of Singleton across the floodplain, starting near Newington Lane and rejoining the New England Highway north of McDougalls Hill.

The project was approved in August 2020.

Community engagement

Transport for NSW invited feedback from the community about the Singleton Bypass concept design and REF from December 2019 until March 2020.

During this time, Transport received a total of 154 submissions relating to the New England highway bypass of Singleton. All submissions made during the display period have been addressed and responded to in a submissions report.

The New England Highway bypass of Singleton Submissions Report relates to the REF prepared for the bypass and summarises the issues raised as well as responses to each issue raised by the community, stakeholders and government agencies

We will continue working with the community and stakeholders during ongoing planning   to understand issues and minimise potential impacts

Environmental assessment

The concept design and Review of Environmental Factors (REF) were on display for public comment from Wednesday 18 December 2019 to Sunday 1 March 2020.

During this time, Transport for NSW received a total of 154 submissions relating to the New England highway bypass of Singleton. All submissions made during the display period have been addressed and responded to in a submissions report (PDF, 20.29 MB).

The New England Highway bypass of Singleton Submissions Report relates to the REF prepared for the bypass and summarises the issues raised as well as responses to each issue raised by the community, stakeholders and government agencies.

Addendum REF (May 2023) (PDF, 2.4 MB)

Following further consultation with property owners and additional investigations into the project constructability, it was determined that minor existing property acquisition adjustments were required to facilitate construction of the project. In addition, consultation with applicable utility providers, identified that utility adjustment work were also required outside of the REF approval area to tie into existing utilities.

Addendum REF (October 2023) (PDF, 27.57 MB)

Following response to community and stakeholder feedback, Transport has modified the project by providing a full interchange at Putty Road, extended the bridge over the floodplain and reconfigured the design at the southern connection. The full interchange will improve access to Singleton’s town centre from the bypass.

The Addendum REFs describe the proposed modifications, assessing consistency and potential environmental impacts along with any additional mitigation measures that may be needed to reduce potential impacts of the proposed modification.

Next steps

Transport for NSW has awarded a design and construction contract to Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd to deliver the Singleton Bypass.

We are continuing to carry out early work on the bypass. Acciona will progress site investigations and finalise the detailed design in preparation for the start of major work in mid-2024.

The project is expected to open to traffic in late 2026, weather permitting.

Project documents

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Community information

Frequently Asked Questions

Community updates

Project updates

Review of environmental factors

Addendum REF (May 2023) 

Addendum REF (October 2023)


Preferred option report

Community consultation report

Preliminary feasibility assessment report

Media releases

  • 27 February 2024
    Singleton Bypass Project batting for Microbats

  • 26 November 2023
    Major contract milestone for Singleton Bypass

  • 19 November 2022 (PDF, 583.07 KB)
    Game-changing bypass a step closer with shortlist released.
  • 16 April 2021
    Community feedback delivers better bypasses for Singleton and Muswellbrook.
  • 20 January 2021
    Momentum builds for Singleton bypass.
  • 24 November 2020
    Singleton Bypass locked in to bust bottleneck.
  • 10 August 2020
    Planning for Singleton Bypass moves ahead.

Contact us

For further information about the project, please contact:

Phone: 1800 991 254 (during business hours)
